Online Gambling Addiction Help in South Africa : Online Casino Addiction, Online Gambling Problem Help for South African Players
Educational Links for prevention of gaming,casinos online and phatological addictions in the new african society.Problems,Laws and politic tendences in new legislations of political African Informatization.
Welcome to Congozaire, an intervention service dedicated to helping families and loved ones address the compulsive gambler in their lives. At Firstep Intervention we realize the magnitude and destruction of a gambling addiction because each of our Intervention Professionals have been there. We understand that compulsive gambling is a rapidly growing addiction that has been recognized as a “silent killer”.
Families and lives are in crisis, often destroyed and torn apart. No ONE has to be alone in dealing with a problem as consuming as a gambling addiction, and for that reason Congozaire Intervention was created.
Silversands casino is probably South Africa’s most popular online casino, this is no surprise as they offer some of the online promotions for the South African gamblers for freeMany people who did not go to a formal treatment program have been successful through Gamblers Anonymous.
For others, however, the disease has progressed to a point where they need the added structure, support and clinical services that are provided in a more formal program in south africa.
For help in finding free counselling or a support group near you, contact The National Responsible Gambling Programme 24 hour Hotline – 0800-006-008 Should you require any assistance please call: The Gamblers Anonymous Hotline from 08h00 to 17h00 and make use of the after hour voice mail or in an emergency call numbers in the voice message: 0861 233 578
Gambler’s Anonymous is South Africa, at present, can only be reached by obtaining their telephone number from 1023.
For help in finding free counselling or a support group near you, contact The National Responsible Gambling Programme 24 hour Hotline – 0800-006-008
Gamblers Anonymous Africa (GA)
Is Pathological Gambling Biologically Caused?
There is some evidence that there are biological differences in pathological gamblers, but it is unclear whether these differences are the cause of the disorder or caused by disorder.
Some research suggests that there may be a link between serotonin and norepinephrine problems and PG. Serotonin may be related to feelings of well being. Norepinephrine may play a role in the feelings of arousal associated with being “in action.”
Some research has also found genetic differences in the dopamine receptor genes of pathological gamblers.patients participate in an intensive program to treat gambling addiction. A key component to our program is individual one on one therapy. Therefore, we can treat both men and women, and each sex can feel comfortable in their therapy and surrounding.
Men and women typically would feel awkward discussing certain issues among the opposite sex. Our individualized treatment approach allow all of our patients to feel safe and as though there able to discuss their own issues candidly. We have found that at the patients discretions there are positive effects by having men and women being able to share certain situations amongst themselves should they desire. Whether male/female, this is an insidious disease that destroys lives, and our treatment approach has been proven successful for both men and women.
African Gambling story: wagering of money or other item of value on an uncertain event that is dependent either wholly on chance, as in roulette, or partly on chance and partly on skill, as in certain card games and in sporting contests. Gambling has been practiced by people throughout history. Anthropologists, who have found evidence of games of chance among early peoples, contend that the attitude of early humankind toward gambling derived from their general attitude toward the environment. To these people the world was a mysterious place controlled by supernatural beings whose favor or disfavor was manifested through chance situations and the outcome of such events as hunts, wars, and games of chance; instruments of divination frequently included objects used in gambling.
As people gradually acquired knowledge of the nature of their environment and interpreted it in terms of cause and effect, their attitude toward gambling changed. Games of chance became pastimes, but the ancient belief that a lucky gambler was favored by the gods persisted.
Among the upper classes of the peoples of antiquity, gambling was frequently associated with extravagance and licentiousness. During the Middle Ages, in times of trouble, rabbis in European Jewish communities banned dice games and other games of chance. Gambling was also proscribed by some Eastern religions, such as Confucianism, by the Qur’an (Koran) of Islam, and by the moral codes of many Protestant denominations.
II Modern Forms
Today gambling occurs in practically all nations and takes a great variety of forms. Among the most widespread practices are betting on the outcome of horse and dog races; of bull, cock, and prize fights; of wrestling matches; and of such games as baseball, football, basketball, and hockey. Attempts on the part of professional gamblers to fix the outcome of such games have caused numerous scandals and provoked many representatives of organized sports to oppose professionally arranged betting on such events. Other common forms of gambling include roulette, card and dice games, and bingo.
Games of this type, as well as slot machines, constitute a major industry in Nevada—especially in the cities of Las Vegas and Reno—where gambling was legalized in 1931, and in Atlantic City, New Jersey, which legalized casino gambling in 1978. In the early 1990s such gambling, with certain limitations, was legalized in South Dakota and several other states and on some Native American reservations. In 1991 gambling on Mississippi riverboats was revived in Iowa. The most famous European gambling resort, the casino of Monte Carlo, venezia, Saint Tropez, Monaco, Sanremo in Italy new Gambling Act in 2011 provides le legal online casinos in aams monopoly statal control. The lottery, a form of gambling that dates from ancient times, is used as a money-raising technique by religious groups, charities, and governments, including most states in the United States and most Canadian provinces. Gross revenue from state and local lotteries in the United States in 1990 exceeded $20 billion.
III Government Control
In general, the attitudes of governments toward gambling have been that the practice should be discouraged or regulated. In 1845, for example, the British Parliament passed an act providing that the courts could not be used to recover gambling debts. Similar legislation has been enacted throughout the United States; some states have considerably more restrictive laws against gambling and betting, particularly if professionally organized. Nevertheless, all but a few states now have legalized at least some forms of gambling, mandating strict controls.
Denial is a stage in which the gambler faces numerous negative consequences but denies that the gambling is a problem. At this stage, gamblers often believe that they can “stop at any time” or just need to play a little longer until their “luck turns around.”
This stage can be very frustrating to those around the gambler who see the damage caused by the addiction. At this time there are a number of things to remember:
- It is important to contain your frustration. This anger can lead to defensiveness, which makes it harder for the gambler to admit it is a problem.
- It is important to listen to that frustration. You must deal with the feelings this brings up in you since it may be weeks, months, or years until the gambler accepts that it is a problem. You may seek support from GamAnon ( a support group) or a local therapist. At some point, if the gambler refuses to change, you may be faced with the decision of whether or not to continue in a relationship with this level of frustration.
- Although you cannot force a gambler to get help, there are things you can do to assist them. Help them to see how the gambling has directly caused the financial problems and the problems in your relationship. Help them to see the specific effects of the gambling in as much detail as possible (ie. You lost X dollars, you haven’t spent time with the children for X days, etc). As the gambler comes to see this, it becomes easier for them to accept help.
You may also want to consider contacting us to conduct an intervention on your loved one at this point. We often see with compulsive gamblers -if they are left untreated, the amounts and consequences will grow greater and the periods in between the episodes will grow shorter.
Compulsive gambling may also be referred to as addictive gambling, pathological gambling, excessive gambling.
Gambling is unlike any other addiction as it is a “process” addiction. It is different to “substance” addictions such as alcohol, drugs, cigarettes etc, as there are no replacement substances to reduce cravings.
The Gambling Addiction Counselling Service encourages clients who seek help to face the problem head on by examining every aspect of their day to day lifestyle and to bring about changes on all levels.
Research indicates that the majority of compulsive gamblers have unresolved underlying issues. These underlying issues which can include loneliness, boredom, unemployment, abuse, unhappy personal relationships or grief, are often masked when the person turns to gambling to escape the pain.
There is reason for concern when a person continues to gamble even though the behaviour is causing harm to themselves or others. It can take on many forms, including:
- gambling until all financial resources are exhausted
- gambling disrupts family or personal activities
- absenteeism from workplace in order to gamble
- binge gambling for hours or days on end
- criminal activity to finance gambling pursuits
You could be at risk if you answer ‘yes’ to the following questions:
- Do you gamble several times in the one week?
- Do you regularly lose more money than you can afford?
Do you gamble alone?
- Do you say you are elsewhere when you are in fact gambling?
- Have you stayed away from your work and gambled instead?
- Have you stolen money to gamble?
- Have you pawned possessions to raise money to gamble?
- Have you taken money from special savings or trust accounts?
- Have you spent money on gambling instead of paying bills?
- Does the thought of gambling constantly occupy your mind?
- Do you borrow money to finance your gambling?
- Do you feel a sense of helplessness each time you gamble?
f you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions you certainly have the potential for a gambling problem which, if untreated, will certainly increase.
Addiction is a complex disease that impacts people physically, emotionally and psychologically, so some people’s treatment needs are more severe than others. A person’s ability to function, attitude toward treatment, and maturity level all
impact the treatment plan and how he or she progresses. At the beginning of treatment, the initial assessment defines the treatment plan. As patients progress through treatment, their needs are continually re-evaluated and the treatment plan updated to reflect their changing condition. Ultimately the length of time they spend in the program is determined by clinical progress and readiness for discharge.
It is not easy when someone you care for is gambling to excess. People relate a feeling of helplessness in knowing what to do or where to turn for help. This is justifyably so as the phenomenum of compulsive gambling is very difficult to understand. It seems that you are talking to a brick wall when attempting to convince another person to stop gambling. It is very painful when your loved one promises you faithfully that they will never gamble again and seems unable to keep that promise.
Unlike substance addictions, excessive gambling can be hidden for many years. However some warning signs would include:
- Is the person regularly unable to account for missing money?
- Have they reported that their money or wallet was lost or stolen?
- Do they have regular mood swings?
- Are they constantly arriving home late or not keeping appointments?
- Do they report that bank statements have not been received?
- Do they sometimes leave the home or workplace unexpectedly?
- Are they regularly asking to borrow money from you?
- Are they avoiding friends or spending time in their room alone?
- Do they always want to stay longer at gambling venues (when others are ready to leave)?
- Do they always ask to include gambling in social activities?
- Have you noticed them looking tired or drawn?
- Are they neglecting their personal appearance e.g. grooming or clothing?
- Are household chores being neglected on a regular basis?
- Do they suffer from acute insomnia?
- Loss of libido?
Caution: All of the above are possible indicators that a person may have a gambling problem, but should not be viewed as symptomatic of every compulsive gambler.
You have already started this process by contacting our website. As many gamblers avoid acknowledging that they have a problem they defer seeking help until they have reached total despair. They may initially react angrily but will appreciate your help in time. Don’t wait, start getting help NOW.
We suggest you do the following:
- Print out a copy of “What is Compulsive Gambling?” and sit with your loved one while they read it for the first time. Keep calm and offer encouragement.
- Print out a copy of “The Gain Control Program Content” . Ask your loved one to read it and query if they think it would be of help to them in the future.
- Invite them to visit our website or call us and just have a chat. Please feel free to call us yourself. We are happy to answer any queries you may have.
- Caring for a person who is gambling to excess can be extremely stressful and we suggest that you may need to consider consulting your own health practitioner.
- Insist on having access to all family financial matters.
- Offer support and encouragement wherever possible. It is not easy changing old habits and the gambler may have the occasional slip. Keep re-enforcing the need for them to start over again. Start the Gain Control Program and call us for support and motivation.
- Do not cover up for lies and stolen money or goods. Your loved one must take responsibility for their actions. You are not helping them by making excuses.
- Ensure that you have the crisis telephone number in your state (in front of white pages telephone book) readily displayed in case of an emergency.
Gambling Treatment Outcome Monitoring System
The Gambling Treatment Outcome Monitoring System (Gambling TOMS) provides scientifically valid evaluations of the effectiveness of gambling treatment programs. Addictions and mental health problems cause severe pain and suffering, as well as dramatic costs to society in terms of health care expenses and lost productivity. Treatment programs attempt to reduce both the human and economic costs of these disorders, and as a result are interested in their effectiveness in treating these disorders and how they may improve their effectiveness. The evaluation information is invaluable for developing a clearer picture of the types of clients served and for improving programs to better serve the needs of clients. Treatment programs are also interested in providing information about their effectiveness to potential consumers, third-party payers, and regulatory agencies. We are committed to providing evaluation services in a manner that is practical, user-friendly, non-intrusive and economical. It is also important that this information be provided by an objective research organization, rather than the treatment program itself.
(1) Describe the demographic and clinical characteristics of clients seeking treatment;
(2) Measure the effectiveness of treatment;
(3) Measure the level of client satisfaction with specific treatment components and
the program in general; and
(4) Identify variables that predict treatment completion, aftercare participation, and outcome.
Treatment effectiveness is examined by comparing client data collected at admission, discharge, and follow-up. Outcome is assessed with a multidimensional assessment battery that includes measures of the following client variables: addiction problem severity, psychopathology, vocational/educational functioning, marital/family relations, criminal activity, peer and social relations, health care utilization, and select clinical problems. We provide comprehensive written reports and face-to-face presentations may be arranged.
Gambling Commission Treatment Outcome Monitoring System:
he treatment outcome report includes the following:
- -executive summary
- -description of your treatment program
- -admission rates by month
- -client demographics and clinical history
- -gambling problem severity
- -substance use problem severity
- -treatment intensity
- -changes in psychosocial functioning between intake and discharge
- -changes in gambling problem severity (e.g., gambling frequency) between
- pretreatment and follow-up
- -comparison of your program outcome with similar programs
- -client ratings of treatment helpfulness and satisfaction with treatment
- -outcome of treatment noncompleters
- -comparison of treatment completers to noncompleters on outcome
- -posttreatment service utilization
- -summary and recommendations
A friend needs help, but doesn’t want to talk about it. Should we do an intervention?
An intervention can be a helpful tool for a family member, colleague or friend who is resistant to addressing his or her problem. At one time there was an attitude that people couldn’t be helped unless they “hit bottom” but that has changed. Often people who are resistant and enter treatment due to an intervention do very well. Anyone who calls the Harbour Pointe Information Center to request an intervention will be encouraged to talk to a counselor first, as often times an intervention is not necessary. However, there are times when an intervention is critical and Harbour Pointe can provide you with options.
Functions of the Board
The main functions of the Board are to oversee and control gambling activities in the Province, including:
- Licensing of individuals and companies, to conduct gambling and related activities
- Registering of persons engaged in such activities
- Registering of all gambling devices
- Collecting the appropriate taxes and levies
- Ensuring compliance with legislation in connection with gambling
- Advising the Member of the Executive Council of the Limpopo Province responsible for the administration of the Act, on matters relating to gambling.
The Limpopo Gambling Board envisages a credible gaming industry in the Limpopo Province, which contributes to exciting leisure, economic opportunities and economic development.
The Limpopo Gambling Board is commited to the establishment and management of the gaming industry in the Province by:
- Regulation in terms of ethical practices
- Promotion of appropriate leisure opportunities
- Insisting upon equitable local economic development
- Eradication and uprooting of illegal gambling
- Collaboration with the National Gambling Board and other provincial Boards, to efficiently and effectively manage the gambling industry.
Our Philosophy is:
- To operate in accordance with the highest moral and ethical standards
- To accept our responsibility towards our most important resources – our employees – and to maximize the development and utilization therof
- To strive towards a healthy relationship with our stakeholders